Friday, January 27, 2017

Nora is 3 months

      As of January 21 Nora was 3 months old. It is going as fast as I expected it would, do I want time to slow down sometimes? Yes.  She is so beautiful and getting so big. Nora is a really social little girl, she gives us a lot of good giggles now! She looks you right in the eyes and chatters on and on, only I don't know what she is saying yet.  She loves her play mat and is trying to bat at the toys on it but she isn't coordinated yet.  I may be biased, but her little toothless smile just makes me melt even if she did just wake me up at 4 am!
       Nora was doing a good job sleeping more and was only waking me once in the middle of the night but I think she hit her 3 month growth spurt or something because she is waking me 2 or more times leaving me very sleepy for her siblings. Hopefully my milk will adjust to her and fix the problem otherwise I am not sure how to get her back on track. 
     She loves her baths now and doesn't scream like she did as a newborn at getting undressed and the shockingly different feeling of the water.

even her sad face is cute

Riley 3 Months
August 3 Months


  1. Really enjoyed comparing all their 3 month pictures! Similar but not identical. Each one created to be Special! :)

  2. They all look so similar! Cute pictures! :)
