Thursday, October 25, 2018

Fall, Rain, and Birthdays

It rained a lot this summer and also into the fall. There was a period of 10 days or so that it continuously rained this fall and was pretty chilly. We still walked to school when we could and had some cocoa afterwards. I have many pictures of the kids doing what most of us like to do during this sort of weather, snuggle in blankets and read.  We got some rain in our basement during this bit but it didn't last too long and I am fortunate to not have had any this summer. October 8th was a no school day and we had planned to go to Center Grove Orchard on that day but it was during the end of this stretch of rain. We did not go to the orchard but we did go ice skating. It was supposed to be a surprise but somehow Riley guessed. Keenan and I took turns going out on the ice with Riley and August while the other stayed on the side with Nora. They fell down a lot but had fun.

Liam and Nora's Party in Ottumwa- October 13
 This year Liam shared his birthday with Nora. They both had a great time just running around and playing. They each had a turn to blow out a candle on a cupcake and unwrap some gifts. We took some chocolate cupcakes since it was a shared party, then there would be a GF option. They turned out great and now I have a new go to cupcake recipe!

Snow? October 14 
        When we got back from Ottumwa it started snowing. I got everything unpacked and then, Mom called. I was happy and just watching the kids play on the floor with Nora's new waffle maker that she got for her birthday. Mom called to tell me that Bob Bratten had died and that she was on her way to Debbie's house. She was in a hurry and had to go. I was sad and confused at this news. A few minutes before, everything seemed perfect and now I wanted to get back in the car and go to Ottumwa, even though that was irrational. Riley had school and there was nothing I could say or do to really help Debbie and after all, Mom was there. Riley noticed my change in mood and asked me about it, she is very observant of other peoples feelings. I explained what had happened and why I was sad. I told her who he was and showed her a picture that was in my wedding scrapbook. I was anxious to know when the funeral was but instead I took the kids outside to play in the snow. We did travel down to Ottumwa for the visitation on Wednesday and the funeral on Thursday.

She is about to lob that snow at me!

 Bob Bratten

      Bob and Debbie are wonderful people. Hearing about Bob dying made me sad for Debbie, the boys, and all who loved him. Bob was one of my youth leaders in middle school and high school. I was terribly shy and they were always trying to coax me out. They are warm and loving people and were quick to welcome people into their home. There was always music (Bob on his guitar), fun, food, and games. I enjoyed the many bonfires that were hosted next to the pond. We played hide and seek in their large and very dark backyard and watched movies in the basement. Debbie spent many hours planning our lessons and plays but she and Bob taught us even more by example. They loved each other and were very generous and thoughtful people. Bob played the music at our wedding and his son Jeff sang. It still means a lot to me that they were a part of it and I appreciate our friendship.

Bob and Debbie
Jeff and Bobby at our wedding

Bob playing during youth group
 Nora's Party- October 20

 Nora is 2 now! She is snuggly, fun and likes to be one of the big kids. She talks a lot and can put together sentences pretty well to express what she is thinking. It is such a fun development to see all of the new things she says. Unless she has learned it from August and Riley, and in that case I take it back. She loves to play outside, give kisses and read books, and can often be found by the bookshelf with a pile next to her. We are so honored to have her for a daughter and love her so much!
We had a party for Nora in Ames and I think she had a pretty great time! The kids got to play outside, it was jacket weather and a little windy but still very nice.  We had a taco bar and the same chocolate cupcakes which I didn't take a close up of this year. I guess I was too focused on eating them! Nora has this gift unwrapping thing down and was really excited about all of them but I think she was the most curious about the big one.

Daddy and Nora just having a good time!


I am not sure where Kaleb and Riley went

Leaves and Pumpkins

 The kids have had so much fun piling up the leaves and playing in them or making little beds in them. We carved pumpkins this Tuesday after school. It was such a beautiful day that I figured we could have fun and keep the mess outside! I helped August to draw a kitty on his because he has been pretending to be a kitty lately. It turned out cute. He didn't want to pull out the pumpkin guts though. Riley got busy and drew a face on her pumpkin by herself. I helped her to cut the top off and she scraped most of the inside out herself while separating the seeds into a bowl for a snack later. 

You can't see it but Nora is coloring on a mini pumpkin
My kitties
Drawing the face on
Nora helping Riley

August and Nora enjoying the pumpkin seed right off the cookie sheet
They wanted to see the faces lit up!