Thursday, January 26, 2017

August's 2nd Birthday

         This year August turned 2! He is such a chatty guy, its fun to hear all the things he can tell me now. For example at lunch today he was eating some pasta and he doesn't always love all the other stuff in it and as hes digging around he laughs a little when he finds another noodle and says, pawstee(pasta) hiding, and scoops it up and eats it.
     He loves his sisters and gives really good strong hugs.  He like to vroom his cars around just as  much as he likes to play babies with Riley. He will sit for a long time and just flip through books. He gets scared if you toss him up in the air but he loves crawling all over daddy's back when he gets home from work!  I now have two helpers in the kitchen a lot of the time too.
   This year he was diagnosed with a peanut allergy and eczema so that has been interesting. We carry around epi pens and finally have the hang of mostly keeping the eczema at bay.

This is August eating his birthday breakfast!

Augusts Party! January 21 

 This year the morning of his party was very foggy so my half of the family didn't make it and was missed. August had fun wearing his birthday crown (he liked borrowing Riley's so i made him his own), running around, being crazy with some of his cousins, eating cake and playing pin the nose on the Olaf.
Nora enjoyed the party too

Sitting on his throne

Wearing his new penguin mask and getting ready to dance!

1 comment:

  1. He did so well at enjoying each gift! :) Isn't quite the "Ham" that Keenan was yet - but maybe someday. . .
