Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Nora is 8 Months!

Marion Weekend June 17 & 18

        This weekend was about celebrating Keenan's birthday (A day I am very grateful exists!) and Fathers Day weekend. It was the perfect excuse to just get together, catch up with each other, and have fun.  I love to see how much the cousins have bonded over the years! That is such a special relationship and I hope we can keep it going as long as possible.  Riley and Piper were almost inseparable and it seemed to me they were inventing their own special code that I ,not being a five year old girl anymore, didn't understand but could certainly appreciate.  
     The Cedar Rapids farmers market was amazing as usual and I had fun checking out the vendors and making a few splurge purchases to enjoy later from our grocery budget.  I wanted to take it all home but lets be realistic. It was fun just chatting with everyone and having a pour over coffee from my favorite stand! Yum!
    It was weird to go home and leave one of our kids but I know she is in good and loving hands and having so much fun.  She will probably be talking about VBS and her pool and cousin time until next summer rolls back around. 


Nora is 8 Months

Our baby girl is already 8 months old and doing so much. She is sitting pretty steady but still tips herself over when she reaches for something.  She seems to maneuver herself around the living area by means of a lot of little scoots and rolls when reaching for other toys. Nora has always been very social and chatty but now it sounds like she is trying to say things like a da or a ga.  Its fun to see these little changes and to hear her say A DA with such gusto or to watch her eyes sparkle as I respond to her with similar enthusiasm. She wants to touch and examine everything. Its especially fun to see her level of focus on an object she hasn't handled before versus something she plays with often.  She looks like there will be a test at the end of the evening and she is trying to memorize its every facet.


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