Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Dirty Feet and Some Warmer Days!

Spring Break

      With the change of the seasons comes dressing in layers: snow one day, and warm breezes the next.  We have been trying to get out on those nice days.  Just feeling the sun on your face, taking in the scent of damp earth , joyously running around, and noticing those first signs of spring flowers pushing up does a lot for the soul (Keenan's note: well, at least for some of us).  I can see a change in how the kids behave with one another and feel it in myself on the days we get outside even if it's only for an hour.  It's nice to smell fresh air blowing through the house after having the windows shut for so long and puts an extra bounce in my step when I am doing pretty standard tasks of cooking dinner and folding laundry.
      The older kids spent the start of spring break with Grandma and Grandpa and loved every minute of it. It was strange to send them off for 5 1/2 days. That's a long time for me. The rhythm of the house is different. I didn't prepare everyone meals first and just ate when I wanted to?  I could talk to Keenan in full sentences when he came home from work and complete a thought? I also felt like I was forgetting something (or rather a couple of someones) when I would go somewhere.  I enjoyed having more time with Keenan, that is a luxury sometimes, but I missed kisses and giggles at bedtime with the kids. 



Indoor Fun

On the colder days the kids would play in the snow if there was some, then come in with bright red faces ready for hot chocolate when they were done.  August enjoyed his first time painting; he liked it but didn't want to sit at the table as long as Riley.
Mom came for a visit and watched the kids while we saw a movie
Some Daddy and Nora snuggles!

St. Patrick's Day
We like to dress in green and make something yummy to eat. I am not a big fan of corned beef and cabbage so I like to make a beef stew with Guinness, potatoes, carrots, peas, pearl onions and garlic served alongside some cheddar biscuits. Yum! We made some not-so-Irish rice krispie treats for dessert. 

August didn't want his picture taken

Riley really wanted her picture taken
Now getting upset that I am taking his picture
Riley just got sillier!

Guess he came around after all

Nora is 5 Months

        Nora has changed a lot in a short period of time. Up until recently, I had been swaddling her to go to sleep.  I feared she would learn to flip over in the middle of the night and have her arms pinned to her side, so I planned to sleep train her over spring break and break her of the swaddle at the same time. As soon as I vocalized the thought, she started to roll so I started a little early. Nora went from trying to roll on a Monday afternoon to perfecting her technique that Thursday.  Feet in the air at a right angle to the body, tuck right arm (she only rolls one way), and go!  She did very well with sleep training; I expected a lot of crying, but she only woke me up once and went down okay. Naps have been another story. I can usually get her to take an afternoon one but not a lot of success otherwise.
      I have also started introducing solids. We started with just a little oatmeal and milk to teach her how to get the food down. The same with rolling she progressed quickly and I was inadequately prepared for her appetite for real food, so I made a special trip to the store for pears, bananas and sweet potatoes.  She loves to sit with the rest of us at the table, she is a social little girl and doesn't want to miss out!

Thank you for reading!

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