Wednesday, March 11, 2015

A Taste of Spring

Family Pictures

     After August was born, we wanted to have some family pictures taken.  We really appreciated our photographer Kristin who came to take pictures of Kyla in the hospital, through NILMDTS, so we asked her if she would take a family portait. We didn't realize it at the time but it was scheduled for Jan 16th, Kyla's birthday.  It was a great experience to reconnect with Kristin and to get to tell her how much we appreciate what she gave us.  She came to the hospital in the middle of the night to capture some of the only images of a daughter we love and miss. It means a lot to have those images to help remember her, our time with her was fleeting and I know I wouldn't remember every contour of her face.  I keep those pictures out in the dining room, a place I pass frequently to get to other parts of the house. I want to be able to see her as much as our other children that I am feeding or chasing around the house.
      Yesterday a reporter from the Ames Tribune came to the house because she is writing a story about NILMDTS and what it means to families like us.  It gave me another chance to think about how I miss Kyla, how she is a member of our family and how that organization gave me something more concrete to remember her by.  It reminds me of the kindness and compassion that exists in this world.

I suppose you want to see some of the pictures that Kristin took this year. 

Alright then, here they are!

Valentine's Day

    Every year on Valentine's Day, Keenan and I make a heart shaped pizza and heart shaped cookie and stay in, having fun and also avoiding the madness of restaurants. It's getting especially fun now that we have Riley who is now getting old enough to enjoy the holiday and maybe even remember the tradition for next year. This year was extra special, the Munsons were visiting with us. It was a nice chance to get to visit one more time before the next Munson girl arrives. The girls had a lot of fun playing and enjoyed unwrapping their Valentine's gifts from the grandparents.  They all enjoyed dressing their dolls in the pretty new outfits. 
     They also had fun doing some Valentine's Day collages. Riley loves crafts. It's amazing how much fun kids can have with some tissue paper and buttons.

Random Pictures and August's 2 Month Appointment

August had his 2 month appointment last week. He did well getting his shots, like Riley he cries a little but quickly calms down.  He is growing and developing well, he weighed 12 lb 8 oz. He is also beginning to interact more and smile and coo, which is really fun.
     Sheryl, Jon, Ainsley, and Piper came and stayed with us so I could just take August to the appointment.  The girls all had fun playing again. I love listening to them from the other room. Such imaginative play, they were all characters from the movie Frozen.  Ainsley was Elsa, Piper was Anna and Riley was Olaf because she was wearing her Halloween costume. They are all just getting so big, I can't believe we need to start researching preschools already!

Grandma reading a bedtime story


  1. Thanks for the update and pictures! I can't believe August is 2 months old already! :)
