Tuesday, December 9, 2014

34 Week Ultrasound

        On Friday I had an ultrasound scheduled at McFarland Clinic in Ames. Keenan and I were both excited and nervous to see how our baby was doing.  The Ultrasound was to do a growth check and amniotic fluid check to make sure that he/she is developing correctly. The results of the ultrasound showed that our baby's head had grown fine but the abdomen and femur measurements were very small. The amniotic fluid was at a good level. The doctor and the midwives both looked at the results and didn't like them but they wouldn't really tell me what it meant. They mentioned using a special ultrasound machine that would watch the blood flow in the cord to check if he/she was getting proper nutrition and mentioned that our baby could safely come anytime after 34 weeks if necessary.  This statement only alarmed me more. Ultimately they decided to schedule another appointment at the perinatal clinic at Mercy in Des Moines.
        McFarland called later that afternoon to tell me there was an appointment available Monday and I took it.  We spent the weekend worried about the possible outcomes of this pregnancy.  I wanted to hear better better news and wondered why our baby wasn't growing well. After all, I had again followed all of the silly pregnancy rules, often to the extreme. I just want a fat crying baby on delivery day, how hard is that?!
     Monday finally rolls around and we get into yet again another ultrasound room and we are prepared for this to go both ways.  I want to hear better news of course, but I tried to be prepared to hear that the baby was in danger and they needed to take him/her now.  To our relief the ultrasound tech did all of her measurements several times and our baby is growing just fine. Actually our baby was spot on for 34 weeks 5 days and weighed approx 5 lb 2 oz.  She said the head and abdomen measurements were great and the legs were a little small but well within normal range. The amniotic fluid level was great and the placenta and cord were healthy.  Everything seemed to be in good working order, baby just wouldn't put his/her hands down to get a good picture.  He/she also likes to play with his/her feet.  We couldn't believe it. The Dr. came in and looked everything over and reassured us that our baby was growing great and that I should be on track for a normal delivery when the time comes.  Wow! Amazing! Ok I can resume life as normal now and not sit there waiting for every movement, expecting that the last one may have been it.

     Sheryl and Jon have been busy on the baby's room.  The wall has been mudded, textured and painted a nice cool gray. I can't wait to get all of the furniture in there and arranged.  Keenan assembled the bassinet for our room and I got some sheets made. Now I just need that baby to put in it and we should probably settle on a full name for either gender.
       Riley then enjoyed part of the weekend with her grandparents in Marion.  Sheryl watched Riley so Keenan and I could go to the Monday appointment and spend some time together.


  1. So happy to hear baby is doing well! You were all in my thoughts and prayers this past weekend and yesterday. Love you!

  2. what a precious picture!! I cannot wait to meet your little one!!!!! :)
