Saturday, June 5, 2021

May 2021

Riley and August playing chess and some purple irises.


 We did a Van Gogh artist study and then did some painting inspired by his sunflowers!  Our last language arts book of the school year was The Secret Garden and the kids just adored it.  Riley went more that direction while we were painting.  They loved talking about the characters and sometimes wanted to do the reading in our garden and pretend that it was the garden in the book. Riley loved the idea of finding the key and so she grabbed some tinfoil and made herself a skeleton key. 

Nora very carefully made some sunflowers

Riley is making shells on a beach with a fan brush

Now she is painting the secret garden

The Secret Garden
She included sunflowers in the garden

Riley's The red breast robin in the secret garden

Riley's Painting of a beach

The shells

August's painting

August's painting
Nora's Painting

Nora's Painting

Some pictures from Marion during Kendra and Dave's wedding weekend! Just ones from around the house or of my kids at the wedding. I am saving the rest for Kendra and Dave to share as they would like to.

August loved his flower!

He wanted a picture of it


More pictures from the garden and a quill that Riley and I made. She has been loving the Harry Potter books and we were studying revolutionary era America and she noticed a lot of quills! She really wanted to try one.  We didn't do anything fancy for the ink just ground up charcoal from the firepit. I am sure something else would work better but it was easy and she is happy.


Riley's oil pastel of flowers

Riley's colored pencil sunset

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