Thursday, December 8, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

 Nora is one month
 At 3 weeks Nora was awake for longer stretches of time.  She was also really looking around at anything she could see. Most nights she sleeps pretty well as long as she doesn't wiggle out of her swaddle which she has been known to do.

Nora is getting really strong and doesn't seem to mind tummy time. She is always entertained by her siblings who surround her with love most of the time.

At 6 weeks she started smiling a lot and getting much more social during her awake time.  She is really analyzing faces and starting to make little noises like she is trying to talk to me.  When she is lonely she cries, but sometimes instead of crying she makes a noise like she is calling out and asking where everybody is, which is new.

August wanted his picture taken too!

Thanksgiving in Ottumwa

All of the kids got to decorate gingerbread houses. I helped August but he enjoyed trying to eat the candy, of course.

         It was a fun gathering, lots of great food and everyone got to meet Nora.  The kids all got along and had so much fun running around and playing.  It was especially fun to see August and Liam playing so well despite the age difference,  it was sweet.  August was just too little last year.
          Olivia wanted to hold Nora the entire time. I double checked the car seat before we left to make sure she was still in it.  Riley and Liv seem to have a special language as they ran around both giggling and being silly.  We will just say that everyone was very sleepy on the way back to Ames.

Everybody piled on Daddy the next morning!

1 comment:

  1. Holy cow, that picture of August in the cowboy boots looks just like Keenan!! :)
