Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Birthdays and other things!

 Easter in Marion

Riley got to dye Easter eggs for the first time with Grandma. She had a lot of fun seeing all the colors they made. She also got to do an egg hunt in the front yard. She is getting so big!
    Then Papa played his new guitar for us and Riley accompanied him on the piano, what a team.  This was also our first trip out of Ames with August.

Meeting Lucy

 It always feels so special to take a trip to meet a new baby. The Munsons were nice enough to let us visit shortly after getting home and settling in with Lucy.  The girls had a blast running around playing together and they took turns holding Lucy. She is so tiny and sweet. Doesn't Piper look so proud to be a big sister?


August and Lucy didn't look too excited, though.

Picking Dandelions at Aunt Stacy's

I went to Ottumwa recently to go plant shopping like every year. I stayed a few extra days, the kids had so much fun that first day just running around the yard together. Stacy and I got some sister time, too, so it was altogether a really fun trip!

 Riley Turns 3

 August is 4 months

August is growing fast. So much change happens that first year. Now he is smiling and laughing. He really loves to interact and to be tickled. He giggles a lot just like Riley. He is really a very easy baby as far as the under-one crowd goes. Riley loves to follow us around and try to mother him too. She mimics everything.

He had his 4 month appoint and is doing well. He is only in the 31% for weight but he eats well and seems happy. We chatted about how much he spits up and she called him a happy spitter because he just does it. I guess some babies cry when they spit up because they have acid reflux. But, not to worry, he should outgrow it by 9 months to a year. I just added to my collection of burp cloths and try to feed him more often in hopes that he keeps more down.

Riley's Party

Wow Riley is three already. It's amazing! I love hearing her viewpoint on things, it's often so different from my own. Having kids is wonderful, loud, and full of hugs and tears. It's like being let back into kid world again, I am not sure when I became an adult and when the world stopped being magical, but I still get a glimpse now and then as I get to see her imagination at work. We fight a lot. Ugh, I hate fighting with her. I suppose with that, only the content of the argument will change. In the blink of an eye it will go from her being mad at me because she can't take her stuffed kitty outside to how late curfew is set. I love her and am just going to try to soak in as much of the magic as I can amidst the everyday chaos of getting the laundry done and making dinner.

Riley was looking forward to her birthday party all week. She loved the decorations and filling the house to the brim with family and friends. It's always interesting to try to rearrange the furniture to fit as many people as we can. I love the chaos of watching the kids run all around. It's hilarious that she wanted to blow the candle out but she didn't want to eat the cake, maybe next year I will make birthday peanut butter cookies instead! Where will I put the candle? Hmm.

Pictures from today

Riley tried to blow this allium just like a giant dandelion this morning, it was so cute.

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