Monday, March 25, 2013

spring is on the way

My Moms birthday was February 16th so Riley and I went to Ottumwa for the weekend to celebrate.  Diane came to Ottumwa too and we all went out for lunch together at Appanoose Rapids, a yummy local place.  I made Mom a cherry cake because that was always one of our favorites but it was taking way to long to bake so it got a little dark on the outside but at least it was cooked all the way through and was still tasty. Riley and Liam are hanging out at the kids table together. Sorry Riley, no cake until your birthday
       Stacy is getting really excited about the new baby and its going to be a girl so she has picked out some cute clothes for her already. The c section is scheduled for July 3 and we are all very excited to meet her.

Riley and the Brue boys at the last play date

Riley is just so happy every morning when I go to get her. Its just so darned cute

yes that is my eye

Sheryl, Jon and Ainsley stayed with us the night after driving back from Texas to watch Riley the following morning. So Ainsley and Riley got some cousin time. Fun!

oh and Ainsley here is that picture you asked me to take

Then on the 20th of this month Riley and I were doing our normal morning routine when she started breathing funny.  It sounded strained like she wasn't getting enough air.  I called first nurse then took her straight to the E.R. where they gave her an x ray to make sure she wasn't choking and ran some other tests. She was diagnosed as having croup and I ended up staying in the hospital for 11 hrs that day.  Shes fine the pediatrician had us there for observation then sent us home with a steroid to help her get better.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! Riley looks like she is getting big! Can't wait to see you all again soon, I hope!! :)
