Monday, September 24, 2012

Giggle Girls

Riley is growing fast and I love talking to her and seeing what makes her laugh. I am not a good singer but it seems to amuse her and she may just be a Beatles fan [insert groan from Keenan]. I think we are going to have a mover on our hands because she has always enjoyed standing and sitting. Riley hates having to just sit back in her car seat.

At her 4 month appointment she hadn't gained enough weight (only 3oz in 2 months), but we have worked hard and she is getting back on track - she was 12lb 6oz today.
This is Riley's favorite toy to play with. We take it everywhere with us.

This past weekend was the Octagon Art Festival and Riley got some cousin time with Liam. Too bad she was so tired from missing a nap. It was a long day for her. Keenan ended up taking her home to recharge.

[Keenan's side note: stay tuned for a giggling video sometime in the near future]

1 comment:

  1. she is SO cute!! Can't wait to see you guys again sometime!
