Thursday, March 28, 2019

Snow Days This Winter

Oh The Wonderful Things You Can Do On Snow Days:
There were many this winter!

We watched movies, played in the snow, invented cars out of pillows, made art, went sledding and pretty much had a great time! With the exception of all of that shoveling.  I am late to post these as it is now spring but what can I say, I guess we were having too much fun snuggling!

  Building a car out of pillows

 This is our snowman!

It's nice when they play well together

Creating art surrounded by her stuffed animal friends

We are having a movie morning here

This is Riley making a chair out of a cereal box for one of her small stuffed animals. The next pictures are of her and Punky. They have a nice bond now.

I took this one through the window while the kids were out helping Keenan clean the driveway and I was making breakfast.

Valentines Day 2019

Riley had so much fun decorating the pizzas! She likes to arrange the topping in patterns, art does not stop with paper and pens. This was our first year with gluten free pizza and cookie to carry on our Valentines tradition. They turned out well!

 Riley's Art

She made this at school and gave it to me. She was so excited!

There is a cat under the tree in this drawing just like at home

A home drawn with Keenan and My favorite colors. She is so thoughtful.

I also have enjoyed the many ways she has drawn people. It has evolved a lot.

The artist in her natural environment, on 2 chairs? She is using pastels here.

The front of a card for Daddy because he worked hard shoveling

The back of the same card

A study in drawing Punky

Some more snuggles, to be continued...